An authentic writing tone makes your marketing content writing human. Find yours with Cavalletti Communications copywriters!

Who Do You Think You’re Talking To?

Tone – why you should watch your writing attitude

Written by Daniela Cavalletti

Every written piece – from blogs to books – has both a message and a tone. The message is what you want to say, and tone is how you say it.

Read the following list, either in your head or aloud:

How old are you?
How old are you?
How old are you?
How old are you?!
How old are you?

Reading the sentences above in completely different tones (neutral, snarky, curious, surprised, etc.), you’ve hit on the importance of tone in writing.

Your Attitude Matters When You Create Marketing Content

In marketing content writing, all words should have a purpose. Everything your client reads should be thoughtfully put together. And tone – how you express yourself – is one of the most vital, but tricky, tools you have to create content that resonates and connects with your reader.

Because your tone displays your attitude and uniqueness. How you feel towards your product or service, your client, and your company. It tells tour reader you see the world and what your values are. And that’s your big chance in marketing content writing: to set yourself apart from the competition and allow your reader to connect with you. That’s what will create your success in converting leads into clients.

How to Hit the Right Note with Your Audience

The biggest consideration when refining your written content tone is who you and your audience are. Once you have your values and attitudes, and your target market’s, well defined, it won’t be hard to create a tone that draws the right readers and clients in.

Importantly, you have to be true to yourself and authentic to your brand identity. Be consistent, yet adaptive. Adjust your tone to your audience – as you would in face-to-face conversations. Write as you speak so you are relatable; nobody ever got attached to a cold, technical list of features. Bring in some excitement and emotion.

So choose your words wisely.

The Risks of Being Tone-deaf in Your Marketing Writing

While using tone with finesse equals higher conversions, not treating how you write carefully may mean lost potential (or actual) clients and sale – no matter how convincing the what of what you say or sell is.

How you seem to relate to your offering, your clients and the world at large by how you speak about them – that’s what others will judge you and your business on. Your tone and attitude in marketing content writing strongly influences your audience and their actions. Because tone evokes emotions. And that’s what buying decisions are ultimately based on.

What Has Tone Done for You Lately?

Picking the right tone for your marketing content writing has many benefits when it comes to attracting and keeping clients: it enhances understanding and confidence, it creates a connection, and makes you an authority.


Conversions are much more likely when the audience identifies with you. Correct tone can lead to instant connection. Your cause becomes their cause. They see all the similarities between the two of you – and they like that. Who wouldn’t?

We’re all more likely to purchase from a company that shares our values, sense of humour, and outlook on life, than one that seems indifferent to them.


The trust you create with the right tone of your marketing content writing instils an acceptance of your authority. You not only sound passionate about your topic, but knowledgeable. If you get your tone well-aligned to your business and to your customers you’ll be accepted as the expert, the best at what you do.

Understanding and Confidence

And most importantly: an authentic tone makes you human. It shows you to be more than just another company, or some distant CEO. It builds confidence because your client will feel that you and your brand understand their problem or need. You care. You get it. You get them.

And anyone who feels understood will come and stay. Confidence in understanding, in you being able to relate leads to conversions more than anything else.

Leave Your (Unique) Mark

Remember that there isn’t one, single, successful tone. Tone is like our fingerprints – everyone’s got them, but each is a little different. Whichever way you do it, make sure that your tone leaves the right mark – make it authentic, relevant and meaningful to your audience.

And chances are your conversion success will have you hit the high notes.

For more marketing content writing tips or a chat about the right writing tone, drop us a line.

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